
A database management system for ecologists


User Interface

EcoVault runs locally in your browser using web technologies and user-friendly forms and widgets. Thus it behaves in similar ways to the web forms we are all familiar with.


The integrated database contains a generic schema designed for ecological data, based around four core concepts: Taxa or Species, Projects, Samples, and Observations.

Project Concept

Set up multiple projects to reflect discrete blocks of (field)work. Create user-defined attributes relevant to the observable data. Produce dynamic data entry forms by selecting only the fields necessary for the project, and configure validation rules for them.

Multi User

Run a single user system, or share your projects over a local network, allowing team members and collaborators to login, contribute and edit your data. There is also scope to host your database online.


Are you collecting lots of ecological data? Fed up with the limitations of other applications? Then let EcoVault fulfil your needs!

EcoVault is a database management system designed for ecologists. Whatever your study system and sampling protocol, your data will fit into the flexible database schema. Simply set up the attributes unique to your project, match them with database fields, import, and you're away!

EcoVault is suitable for single users with a laptop, or for groups of users from a networked computer. Thus, EcoVault solves the headache of multiple versions of the same data being passed around between collaborators.

EcoVault is in the final stages of development, and will be available for evaluation and download soon! Please register your interest below and we will keep you up to date with developments.



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The main dashboard provides a menu of options. The 1st column provides links for adding/editing/deleting data for all database tables of the four core modules: Taxa, projects, samples and observations. Column 2 contains some special options, such as dynamic forms and data importing, and the 3rd column contains external links, users, and recent history.

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User Attributes

User attributes can be created and linked to most database tables, meaning tables can be extended to cater for your specific data requirements. You select the respective field names, data types, and options for multi-choice fields.

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Dynamic Forms

Dynamic forms for data entry are generated from your project configurations. Thus, only the fields relevant to each project will be available. You may also set validation rules and limit multi-choice options.

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You can add images to the application individually or en masse, and then link them to your taxa or morphospecies.

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Taxon Browser

The taxon browser allows you to navigate a collapsible/expandable tree of your species and morphospecies, with links for editing associated data.

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Import Data

When importing data, you match columns from your data file to fields in the database. Once the matching is done, you can save the mapping and re-use for future imports.

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